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I have a pretty straight forward and simple to implement solution for the "trans women in women's sports" issue that seems to be so divisive and bringing so many people in conflict about the semantics of words "woman" and "womens' sports".
The solution is simple - stop dividing sports based on either gender or biological sex. Done. Now arguing semantics is pointless.

Instead divide the sports where it is meaningful by testosterone levels similarly to how boxing is divided by weight. It's an objective measurable qualifier. No argument about semantics or wording can be made - it either meets a given threshold or it doesn't.
Testosterone should be measured regularly for at least a year before a given competition (better metric would be 3-4 years but that's starting to be expensive and too long, I understand).

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Got my name back)

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One doesn't have to be a fan or supporter of Navalny or even like him or what he is doing to recognize and understand the horrific and complete lawlessness of what the Russian government is and has been doing to him and his family and that machine should be stopped sooner rather than later or it will lead to a complete disaster. And that it's neither Navalny nor any other opposition leader (current or future) who will be to blame for that disaster.

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Difference between country and state

There's one particular misconception that I very often encounter when talking with foreigners about Russia and its history. Even those who have studied our history extensively and probably know it better than most russian high school graduates (who are supposed to know our national history at least semi-well). They tend to think of Russia as just another European country with its own unique features and bits just like any other country, but overall following the European (or "Western" in modern parlance) Judeo-Christian tradition, culture and values. And in most cases they are absolutely right. Russia is and has always been as a country - a part of the European cultural landscape. But that notion does not stand when you approach the topic of its political organisation and the way of governing - the state.

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Hello there whoever you are. Welcome to my humble house in the middle of this desert. If you've come with good intentions, may they never wither down with the grains of time. If not, well, that's on you, not me. Sit down and let us have a chat shall we.

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